Restoring the strength, function, and beauty of your tooth.
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For many years now, silver fillings have been used to restore decayed teeth. Over time, teeth tend to crack as a result of the expansion and contraction of the silver when exposed to the hot and cold liquids we drink.
These fractures start off small and are difficult to detect. Eventually, the fractures go deeper and cause temperature and pressure sensitivity when biting, or cause large portions of the tooth to break off.
In many instances, a root canal procedure becomes necessary to resolve the symptoms. Additionally, it becomes more difficult and costly to restore the tooth.
A more preventative approach is to replace silver with new composite fillings or porcelain-bonded restorations before cracking occurs.
This usually prevents further deterioration of the tooth. Dental composites chemically adhere to the tooth and bind it together restoring strength and integrity. Composites are typically as strong as the original tooth and can be formulated to match your tooth color.
You’ll be pleased with how natural they feel alongside your original teeth. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook!