Tips For Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist


Choosing a dentist to help make your smile dreams a reality can be a daunting task, so we’d like to offer some help with tips on finding a cosmetic dentist who can produce results that you’ll be happy with. Even with a service that you’d think would be simple for any cosmetic dentist to do … Read more

The Importance of Oral Hygiene

DentalCareOfSumner-Dental Hygiene Importance

We have all been told at some point that the perfect smile involves straight white teeth, so it is something that many of us want for special events and places where pictures are taken. Discover the benefits and importance of oral hygiene. For straighter teeth, veneers and braces often do the trick. If you want … Read more

Dental Implants

digital-xray dental health with a dentist in Sumner

Summer is a popular time for people to make drastic changes to improve their lifestyle and overall well-being. Some people like to do spring cleaning, some people exercise more, and some look into improving their oral health with dental implants. When the sun is shining and the skies are blue, sometimes all you want to … Read more

Planning Ahead: Are Your Teeth Ready For Retirement? 


Suppose you’re considering retiring in the next five years; congratulations! Also, it’s time to start thinking about ensuring your dental needs are taken care of. Many people wait until they’re about to retire to try and squeeze in needed dental work. Retirement Free of Worry Enjoy retirement free of worry about dental concerns by completing … Read more

Are Those  X-rays Necessary Every Year?

Dentist in Sumner -showing Yearly -Xray

Yearly x-ray imaging (radiographs) can be a polarizing topic in the dental office, with many people not understanding the importance of updated imaging. The need for radiographs is in part, based on your risk for developing decay, habits, previous history of decay, and many other factors.  A dental radiograph allows the dentist to see any … Read more

Are You Dealing with TMJ Issues? 

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Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) frequently causes pain or tenderness in the temporomandibular joint of the jaw, more commonly known as the TMJ. This complex joint plays a crucial role in our daily activities, enabling us to chew, swallow, yawn, and speak. The TMJ also has a wide range of movement, and it is surrounded by muscles … Read more

Tips for Teeth Whitening

Tips for Teeth Whitening Before- and-after-smile-half-and-half

Summer is upon us and many people are starting to think about whitening their teeth. Although there are certain considerations to be made, almost anyone can whiten their teeth. We have several different options here at Dental Care of Sumner. This month we’ll focus on those options and the safety of tooth whitening. Ultraviolet light … Read more