Menopause and How It Affects Your Oral Health

Menopause sign dental health

A phase of life all women must go through, yet many of the symptoms are not frequently discussed. This phase is called Menopause. This month we are speaking specifically about the oral health impacts of menopause on women. Not only does our oral health change as we age, but for women, menopause brings additional concerns. Did you know every day around approximately 3,000 women will reach menopausal age?

Autoimmune Series: How Sjogren’s Syndrome Affects Your Oral Health 


You may be asking what exactly is Sjogren’s Syndrome? Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disorder in which the body begins attacking its own moisture producing glands. This can be your saliva glands, tear ducts or other organs. The main issue for oral health occurs when the saliva glands are affected and flow of saliva is … Read more